Using Online Technology to Teach

Mar 8, 2007 at 2:38 PM by Kevin Richins

I wish I could participate in the live chat, but sometimes I think that there truely are gremlins living in the network that cause things to not work when you need them to.

I am Kevin Richins. I teach World History, A.P. US History, US History, and sometimes World Geography. I have a few computers in my room (8-9 functioning ones) as well as access to a computer lab about once a week. My students actively use technology for research, discussion, games, and social networking.

I have been impressed with Taking It Global because it uses Web 2.0 (the idea of social networking through technology) to engage students in discovering and solving world problems. I have reviewed a lot of the discussion boards and found that most of the conversations have been intelligent and informed. My eyes bugged out a bit when I saw the discussion board on masterbation, but when I looked into the discussion, I found that it was a discussion on the views cultures have about it and issues related to it, not a dirty "how-to" guide! (Emily don't be mad that I brought this up!)

So while I can not be part of the chat, I hope that I can answer questions etc through this discussion board.


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